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Well, here we are with another year fading away as we continue to seek the Lord in our endeavors. We’ve just finished the resurfacing of our courtyard and it looks great. The General Council of Elders is earnestly seeking the Lord’s leading in what we might do as far as expansion. On Wednesday nights we are packed with children and use every room in the building. Join us in prayer as we seek His wisdom, and if you have any ideas, let us know. We can use your help.

The two weekly evening studies have proven to be quite intense; James and Titus. The writing of James on trials has spoken to the hearts of many. I pray that their hearts will be receptive to the Spirit’s leading and allow the situations [trials] in their life to draw them closer to the Lord. Remember He is sovereign in all things, and He has placed these things before us so that we might grow spiritually.

I think the hardest part of teaching Titus is me. As I examine Paul’s words and feel I understand his intent, I grow in my knowledge of how inadequate I am as a teacher/preacher, Elder. It is only by God’s grace that I come even close to this criterion. Pray that as we continue this study that we will all be called to a higher level of holiness.

Nicki and I want to thank you for your Pastor Appreciation cards and gifts, and thoughts and prayers. I especially appreciate how Nicki was singled out for her support of me and her church. We look forward to many more years of serving the Lord with you at New Life. Until next time, God bless and keep the faith.  

STEVEN MEDEIROS, Teacher/Preacher